October Horror Marathon 2022
Axeslasher canceling FTA 2021 Appearance
Hey Splatter Fans,
It is with great regret we must inform you that we will not be able to perform on Saturday, September 11th at Full Terror Assault 2021. Luckily, the line up is absolutely stacked with amazing bands.
What the fuck? Why?
This weekend a member of the band’s family was infected with Covid-19, leaving them the only healthy caretaker in the household. Prolonged and constant exposure has ultimately resulted in an infection of that band member and they will be unable to attend or play the festival. Fortunately they and their family are safe and well on their way to recovering.
We’ve spent the last few days scrambling to find a fill-in. After wearing out our phones and voices trying to make it happen by hook or by crook, we’ve run out of time and options. We even debated playing to a backing track but ultimately decided that wouldn’t deliver the quality performance our fans deserve.
We’re really bummed. This was set to be our first performance since 2019, and an all-out party deep in the woods would have been the perfect return to the stage. However, it looks like we’ll have to wait just a little bit longer before we can be summoned to the corporeal realm.
Stay safe. Get vaccinated.
Professor Pizza
New Merch Store Launched!
Dead Alive (2020)
The Drive-in Oath
Axeslasher faces Troglodyte in a "War for the Woods" at Denver Black Sky 2017
Party at Phantom Carriage Brewery
9/9 Exodus, Axeslasher, Legion of Death
"Anthology of Terror" Mini VHS Cassette
At long last, Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 will be seeing a physical release via Dirty Needle Records.
Re-live the terror with this incredibly rare VHS inspired cassette.
Includes Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 as well as "The Drifter's Warning" and "In the Woods There Is No Law" singles.
Only 420 copies will be made available.
Includes unlimited streaming of Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
- Limited edition of 420
RUN (2016) Trailer featuring AXESLASHER
Run - Trailer 2 (Axeslasher Spot)
Posted by Daniel Mark Young on Monday, September 19, 2016
Check it out freaks! We're coming at you with another spot on another Horror soundtrack that you won't want to miss. You trusted us with DEATHGASM, and most of you found a new favorite movie. Trust us again, and keep an eye out for RUN, directed by Daniel Mark Young.
RUN will premiere 10/31/2016. Be on the lookout for it at Horror fests everywhere.
RUN was created by Viral Films UK.
New single "In the Woods there is no Law"
I've had this song chambered for a while. I wanted to release it last year. But I've kept it under locks because I felt it would be opportunistic to release a song about killing cops at a time when cops erasing innocent black lives dominated the news cycle. I thought it poor taste. I thought I should save it for an ep and just let my anger subside.
But it keeps fucking happening. Innocent people slain by those sworn to protect them. It's outrageous. It's fucking disgusting. We should all be fucking pissed that no movement towards progress is being made on this front.
Fuck cops. If you're a cop, Axeslasher doesn't want you as a fan.
"In the Woods there is no Law" is a dual perspective narrative playing out form the POV of kids running from the cops and the cops chasing them. Unfortunately for Johnny law, our punk kids know of a horrifying secret in the woods and turn a fucked-up situation into a righteous cacophony of gore and viscera.
Im sick of cops killing innocent people.
This is a song about innocent people turning the tables and killing cops.
-------- LYRICS --------
Verse 1 5.0, cheese it! Here come the fucking cops Lead them to the woods and watch the bodies drop Up here, its close! Just past the gaping maw Lose the cops cuz in the woods there is no fucking law!
Pre Chorus 1 Stick with me, i know this place, i’ve been inside before A temple just for torture yeah an altar filled with gore Well leave their bodies stuck here, trapped forevermore When he’s done the world will know there is no fucking god
Chorus Trapped here in these woods! Where there is no Law!
Verse 2 Those kids, i saw them, they’re just around the bend I think its about time we put their party to an end We’ll rough em up and cuff em up just to lock em down We’ll teach those punks a lesson for thrashing in our town!
Stick with me, i know this place, i’ve been here before A scary place of torture yeah an altar filled with gore Those kids they fucking lead us here knowing what’s in store! We’ve got to run! Where’s the windows? Where’s the fucking door?
Chorus Trapped here in these woods! Where there is no Law!
Outro [The wondrous sounds of cops being slaughtered by an undead, chainsaw wielding maniac]
GEAR GODS Deathgasm Red Carpet interview
Thanks to Gear Gods, Adrenaline PR, Doc Coyle, Jason Howden, and the rest of the DEATHGASM premier crew for putting up with my shit.
DEATHGASM L.A. Red Carpet premier
Well, this is one for the history books. At least the 'Slasher books, that is.
From the get go, one of the major goals of the band was to contribute to a horror movie in some way, shape, or form. After a couple of years screwing around with this thing called Axeslasher (good Satan thank you all for your support) I got an email from DEATHGASM director Jason Lei Howden saying he loved the band and would be honored to have our music in his upcoming metal horror comedy called "Deathgasm."
I was excited, but wary. "How good could this movie be if someone is emailing us for music?" I thought, subscribing to the Groucho theory of never wanting to join a club that would have me as a member. I asked for a script and a few moments later received a 20 page treatment that was dripping with punk attitude, snarling like a metal warrior, and funny as all fuck. I immediately signed up and put all of my effort behind promoting our involvement in the movie.
Working with movies is strange. It's really exciting followed but a shit ton of waiting. So much waiting that you honestly kind of wonder if it's ever going to be seen by anyone! But such is Hollywood and our current distribution models. After what seemed like forever and a few negotiations for the soundtrack, DEATHGASM premiered on October 1, 2015 at the Cinemfamily theater as part of Spectrefest.
I fucking love this movie. And I know you will too. Frankly, if you don't like this movie, you're a poser.
Deathgasm is available in select theaters and VOD now. Rent it today!
Deathgasm is out NOW!
Deathgasm, the party movie of the year and most metal movie of all time, is out now in theaters and VOD.
Check out deathgasmthemovie.com for showtimes and VOD info. Rent it today, invite all your friends over, get rip-shit fucked-up and have a howling good time.
Earlier this week I sat down with Adam Wills from Hellbound.ca to talk about self promotion, what's next for The 'Slasher, and Denver Black Sky,
...When you play a festival like that and you’re an unknown band going on before the sun goes down, you’ve got to do something interesting. There was a suspension group from New Mexico that wanted to be involved with the fest, and claimed they had a guy that could hang for a really long time. I was down — “Lets strap this mother fucker to the lighting rig and he can dangle over the pit!” and that’s exactly what he did...
Ten metal bands to watch in 2014 from Westword
10. Axeslasher Denver pizza and thrash metal lovers Axeslasher put out a killer album, Anthology of Terror, at the end of 2013 with very positive reviews from the underground metal world. With tongue-in-cheek titles like "Mark of the Pizzagram," Axeslasher vomited up a disgustingly brutal thrash album as sharp and gruesome as Jason Voorhee's machete and Freddy Krueger's claws.
Axeslasher named #5 on Leyla Ford's Top Fifteen Metal Albums of 2013
5. Axeslasher – Anthology of Terror Vol. 1 (self-released) If Havok are comic bookish, then Axeslasher are just horror movie/Ninja Turtles-on-meth batshit insane. Gross, loud, completely oozing slime thrash that’s scarier than Leatherface’s chainsaw. I don’t know anyone who had a bad word to say about this album, and I know I’m waiting eagerly for the rest of the anthology. Pizza ‘til you puke, dudes. Extra pepperonis and garlic on mine.
via Leyla Ford's Top Fifteen Metal Albums of 2013 - MetalSucks.
Anthology of Terror receives 7/10 from exclaim.ca
If heavy metal has a character flaw, generally speaking, it's the fact that for a genre that loves the grandiose, the performative and the archetypal so much, it can sometimes take itself way too seriously. That's what makes Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 from Southern California's Axeslasher such a filthy, refreshing treat. The old-school thrashers are exquisitely self-deprecating, which increases how much fun their debut is a hundredfold. Full of guts, glory, pizza and babes, Axeslasher revel in their own self-caricature and turn it into an art form. Song titles like "Invasion of the Babesnatchers" celebrate the over-the-top nature of their aesthetic, while the music firmly backs it up. The subject matter is inspired by classic horror and gore imagery, which plays up both the camp quality and the violence. The pitch-perfect audio sample on "Woodland Tortuary" bleeds into the deep, dirty groove of the track, while Justin Lascelle's shrieked and spat-out vocals are perfectly unhinged. The riffs are heavy and infectious, the drumming punishing, and the production has just the right touch of old-school thrash grit and grime. It's a tough thing to balance humour with execution, to gently mock while laying waste, and with Anthology of Terror, Axeslasher nail it. via Axeslasher - Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 • Metal Reviews • exclaim.ca By Natalie Zina Walschots